How to Present AWP to Leadership

With Olfa Hamdi

In this Coaching Call, Concord® CEO Olfa Hamdi explores how to effectively present Advanced Work Packaging (AWP) to your organization's leadership.

Learn what leaders are looking for and discover strategies to cultivate their interest in AWP by sharing ideas, data and resources. This practical session draws on Olfa's personal experience working with capital project leaders around the world.

What You'll Learn

Exclusive Insights and Coaching

    1. Pre-Webinar Survey

    2. Copyright Notice

    1. Safety Moment: Scan Your Work Environment

    2. Scenario #1: You're An AWP Evangelist

    3. Articulate the Challenge

    4. How to Position AWP

    5. AWP as a Work Packaging and Collaboration System

    6. AWP Integration with the Stage Gate System

    7. What's Next for Us? The Ask

    8. Scenario #2: You're Assigned to "Figure Out AWP"

    9. Scenario #3: You're Part of an Ongoing Implementation

    10. Presenting to Leadership is About Decisions

    1. Q. What is the additional cost of implementing AWP for engineering and construction?

    2. Q. Is there an optimal project size to use AWP?

    3. Q. How to tie procurement and commissioning into AWP?

    4. Webinar Feedback

About this course

  • $299.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Olfa Hamdi


Olfa is a global expert in the strategic, construction-driven planning and execution of capital projects. She is an American-trained engineer, inventor, and Silicon Valley entrepreneur who founded the Advanced Work Packaging Institute before co-founding Concord Project Technologies in 2016 and the Concord Academy in 2020. She has worked as a consultant with some of the largest capital project organizations in the world, including Shell, Exxon and Rio Tinto, and recently published her first book, Advanced Work Packaging.